The story of the boot shot tradition...

Narrated by, Haylie Hynes

From me to you.

A message from Tyler

I started this tradition as a way to stay connected to the important people in my life and to tell them “thank you, I love you and I’m thinking of you" during this most cherished of holidays. What this means to you and how you wish to use it, I can’t wait to see. In the last year that I've spent creating this, I've had one, singular intention; To create something beautiful that makes you feel included, cherished and deeply appreciated. Hopefully I've succeed in that.

I made it with people I love, just a few of us, and if you choose to share this with the people you love and then the people they love what a wonderful thing that would be. There may even be a special surprise inside.

Made with great care and consideration by my hands and the hands of my family and friends, I hope this brings you joy. Because this is for you. Happy holidays & welcome to the family. 🤍

Gratefully yours,

